Vancouver, but make it tropical

So I haven’t set foot on a plane, and therefore have not left the west coast of Canada, for ages. Years. And while I realise this could come across as a little bit ‘first world problems’ (and I get it!) I was someone who was certain by at age 7 that she was destined to be either (a) a pilot or (b) a National Geographic photographer. Considering how local I’ve been, I am feeling more barnacle than free spirit. Some of this is due to motherhood. Also, of course, there was that whole pandemic thing. Suffice to say, I have seen a lot of Vancouver. And, I hasten to add, there are worse places to be! Vancouver is beautiful, scenic, and all the good things however I think Vancouver is rarely considered ‘tropical’.

So when Emma (yoga teacher, surfer, adventurer, general awesome human) and I met up just before sunrise last summer and decided to see what we could create. ‘Should I bring my surfboard?’ Emma asked. Who could say no to that?

Sunrise shoots (presuming the sun actually rises) are incredible and may just be my favourite. It goes without saying that the light is gorgeous and, because you are the crazy ones not in your cosy bed at that time, you are pretty much guaranteed the beach to yourself.

Just maybe bring coffee is all I’m saying.